Funeral Live Streaming in Huddersfield Church

Professional Funeral Live streaming Webcasting Huddersfield Yorkshire
Professional Funeral Live streaming Webcasting Huddersfield Yorkshire

In February I was asked to provide the Live Streaming for a funeral in a Church of England in Huddersfield.

The church was very well known for having the tallest spire in Yorkshire – It was a stunning building!

I used 3 professional cameras for the funeral webcasting which was being watched by many family members in Jamaica and The Caribbean.

The coffin was brought in to the sound of Bongo drums which was very poignant.

Needless to say, sound is very important at funeral services. If you can’t hear what people are saying, then it’s fairly useless! So I always install microphones, wired and wireless to pick everything up.

The family were really impressed with everything  – Here is what they had to say:

“Thank you so much for being available at such short notice and offering an affordable service.
I’m so sorry I didn’t get to see you! 🙁 You were so inconspicuous I couldn’t see you!
I’ve just watched the video back (I hated watching myself read my poem! Ha), but everything looked and sounded great.”
Funeral Live Streaming Filming - Huddersfield Church Service, Yorkshire
Funeral Live Streaming Webcasting Videography - Huddersfield Church Service, Yorkshire

If we can help you with professional webcasting or live streaming of a funeral in Lancashire, Cumbria, Yorkshire,  Greater Manchester or Liverpool, please click the button below to go to the Professional Funeral Live Streaming page.