Live Streaming a Funeral Service at The Castle Green Hotel, Kendal, Cumbria

Funeral Live Streaming Webcasting at Castle Green Hotel, Kendal

In December 2022, I was asked to provide the P.A and Live Streaming for a funeral at The Castle Green Hotel in Kendal, Cumbria.

The memorial service was held in one of the function rooms so I set up Microphones and Speakers so everybody could hear everything.

I also set up a Video Projection system and played a tribute from family in Canada.

I used 3 cameras for the webcasting to show various angles of the service.

Funeral Live Streaming FIlming and Webcasting at Castle Green Hotel, Kendal

The family were very impressed with how smoothly everything went.

One family member commented that she worked in a college in Canada with a 500 seater auditorium and that the AV for this service was much better than her AV team back home!

Funeral Live Streaming Webcasting at Castle Green Hotel, Kendal
Funeral Live Streaming Webcasting at Castle Green Hotel, Kendal, Cumbria

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