Filming Memorial Concert in The Ashton Hall at Lancaster Town Hall

Concert recording and filming at The Ashton Hall, Lancaster Town Hall, Lancashire
Memorial Organ Recital recording and filming at The Ashton Hall, Lancaster Town Hall, Lancashire

In May I had the opportunity to work once again at The Ashton Hall in Lancaster Town Hall – A stunning venue! I was asked to provide the filming and recording of a Memorial Concert.

The programme consisted of various organ recitals, soloists as well as groups performing different pieces or music.

I used 3 video cameras to film the event including a remote controlled camera up in the organ loft to get some close up footage of the organist.

There were many people in the audience enjoying the concert and participating in the singing. Many had travelled from Cumbria, Lancashire and other parts of the UK.

Concert recording and filming at Lancaster Town Hall, Lancashire
Memorial Concert recording and filming at Lancaster Town Hall, Lancashire